39. If, at the time Retraite Québec has all the pensions it pays guaranteed by an insurer in accordance with section of the Act, the assets of the plan it administers, determined on a solvency basis and reduced by the amount of the administration expenses of the pension fund, exceed the liabilities, the excess amount must be used to increase, up to the total value of their benefits, the pensions being paid by Retraite Québec to the members and beneficiaries on the date of purchase of the guarantee, proportionately to the value of the portion of their benefits that is administered by Retraite Québec. The pension so increased is determined on the basis of the premium charged by the insurer.
If the liabilities exceed the assets reduced by the amount of the administration expenses of the pension fund, the pensions being paid to the members and beneficiaries by Retraite Québec on the date of the purchase must be reduced in proportion to the value of the portion of their benefits that is administered by Retraite Québec. The pension thus reduced is established determined on the basis of the premium charged by the insurer.
O.C. 863-2010, s. 39; 426-2019O.C. 426-2019, s. 221.